Preaching tours

Preaching tours

The Foundation organizes a number of preaching tours to various governorates of the country.

why (justifications)

  1. Awareness..
  2. education.
  3. Legal rehabilitation.


A unique model in enriching human development.

the message

We work professionally to achieve cultural exchange between peoples by teaching the language and simplifying it for individuals. with professional teaching aids, and seasoned experts.

Program Goals:

1. Education.
2. المساهمة في تحقيق التواصل بين المجتمعات.
3. المساهمة في نقل وتبادل الثقافات بين المجتمعات الإنسانية.

Firstly: Prayer description program.

Program tracks

The Arabic language represents an ancient Arab and Islamic culture and civilization. It is a living, contemporary language that represents a wide range of human societies that belong to a vital geographical area that is the focus of the world’s attention. And due to the increasing demand for learning the Arabic language by non-native speakers for a variety of motives; Political, diplomatic, economic, religious, cultural, educational, tourism, communication, etc. This program came to teach Arabic to non-native speakers to achieve the goals of the beneficiaries in a scientific and practical manner.

about the program

Provides language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing), and language elements: (sounds, vocabulary and structures) in an integrative way, based on the unit system. It also takes into account linguistic, communication and cultural competencies. Committed to the method of gradation according to the level of the learner.

Program name

Program for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. (Arabic for Nonnative Speakers Program)

why (justifications)

  1. The Arabic language is one of the world languages with a remarkable and distinguished presence on the international scene in all its cultural, intellectual, economic, and political manifestations. and communicative.
  2. The increasing presence and spread of Arabic, and the expansion of the demand for learning it globally.
  3. The desire of many interested and non-Arab intellectuals to learn Arabic for scientific and cognitive satisfaction and to learn about Arab culture, its thought and its diverse and diverse heritage.
  4. Cultural, political, intellectual and linguistic globalization, in which learning languages has become one of the main features of today’s generation. And one of the important conditions for coexistence and building multiple formulas for understanding and dialogue between different peoples and civilizations.
  5. The urgent need at the present time for cultural and civilizational communication between the people of Arabic and the children of other world cultures, In the context of exchanging knowledge and useful from cultures and converging viewpoints at all levels, Reproducing our Arab and Islamic culture to the other in its moderate and tolerant dress.


Excellence in achieving cultural exchange between the people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and friendly peoples.

the message

We seek to implement tourism programs that achieve cultural exchange between the people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and friendly peoples through mutual visits and participation in various events.

Program Goals

  • Contribute to spreading the Arabic language and strengthening its role and distinguished position as a global language.
  • Contribute to the dissemination of Arab culture, and enriching its global presence, presented in an honest and generous manner, Participate effectively in promoting cultural and civilizational communication between different civilizations and cultures.
  • Preparing, training and specialized teachers who teach Arabic to non-native speakers.
  • Providing technical and scientific support in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.

Program levels:

  1. General Diploma : The program awards a certificate (Diploma in Arabic Language for Non-Native Speakers). The total program consists of (108) accredited study units, distributed over (6) semesters, with 30 courses in each semester. The number of actual teaching hours in the entire program reaches (1080) hours, with (180) hours in each semester. This program will be implemented at a later time, God willing.
  2. Short Courses : They are educational courses, and they aim to teach the Arabic language in a flexible manner that suits different groups, needs, circumstances and educational purposes, according to successive levels equivalent to the linguistic and communication competencies targeted by the levels of language study in the famous international frameworks.

    The first level : four academic weeks, The duration of one meeting is 4 hours, five days a week, with a total of (80) hours.

  3. Teaching Arabic for special purposes: tourism, trade, medical field, etc., Details will be specified later.
  4. Language lessons to enhance the language of the learner : the weekend is organized by one lesson per week during four meetings, and the duration of each lesson is two hours.


secondly: Short pictures memorization program.

Program tracks

English is one of the international languages, It is the most widely spoken language in all countries of the world. It is the most used language in the business world. It is the first language for most commercial and economic transactions in the world. It is the language used and distinguished in all sectors, whether professional or academic, as well as all kinds of sciences. and the internet world, scientific research, Therefore, learning this language has become a necessity to communicate with others in most countries of the world.

Program name

English Language Teaching Program

why (justifications)

  1. Learning a foreign language helps in developing social interaction and promotes smooth communication between different peoples.
  2. The English language is one of the most important international languages with a remarkable and distinguished presence on the international scene in all its cultural, intellectual, economic, and political manifestations. and communicative.
  3. English has become the language of international communication.
  4. The English language contributes to the development of the professional and educational future of individuals. and institutions.
  5. The English language is the key to many, many sciences, literature and arts today. Learning it is essential because it is the language of the Internet, computers, medicine and engineering. and all modern human sciences.


Excellence in teaching and presenting the English language with advanced technologies and effective partnerships.

the message

Providing distinguished teaching of the English language according to the latest international standards and best practices in learning and teaching languages.

about the program

An educational, cultural, tourist and entertainment program that aims to develop the skills of Saudi youth and provide them with the skill of speaking in English through lectures and educational activities. It also aims to get acquainted with Thai culture and practice recreational and sports activities.
The following program includes:

  • Studying English and the art of conversation in an official language institute, accredited certificate and placement tests.
  • Sports and recreational programme.
  • Life skills.
  • Tourism and exploratory tours.
  • Classy accommodation and special meals.
  • Daily follow-up and reports for the guardian.
  • Cultural activities and competitions.
  • Training programs for young people (self-confidence – communication skills – leadership – thinking…).

Program Goals

  1. Refine students’ English speaking skills.
  2. Cooperation with community institutions in the field of teaching English.
  3. Design and implementation of supportive electronic quality programs.
  4. Developing the student’s language skills to the point of perfect proficiency in the English language.
  5. Improving the linguistic level of students as a whole and providing them with a set of skills that enable them to practice the language effectively and rely on it fully.

Institutional training track

  1. Choosing a group of students to study in the most prestigious schools specialized in teaching the English language by a selection of English language teachers and a selection of educators, and residing in elegant and safe housing equipped with all services.
  2. The program is supervised by educators and experts in education, training and methods of teaching English from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
